What is New York Style Pizza

What is New York Style Pizza? (Why it’s So Different?)

Pizza may have originated in Italy, but it’s found its spiritual home in the USA! And one of the best known of American innovations is the New York style pizza. But what is New York style pizza? How is it different from ordinary pizza? How is it made? And most importantly, what’s in – and

31 Things to Do With Leftover Pizza

31 Things to Do With Leftover Pizza

Americans are known for our massive serving portions. Particularly at fast food joints and take-out eateries. So you’ll almost always have a few slices leftover. Of course, you can just rewarm them for your next snack … and some of us will even eat it cold. But what else can you do with leftover pizza?

Chicago vs. New York Pizza What's the Difference

Chicago vs. New York Pizza: What’s the Difference?

Chicago vs. New York pizza, are there any differences? A major one is the way we eat them. A classic New Yorker will fold the pizza slice and eat it while on the move. But the Chicagoans have to sit at a table with a fork and knife to enjoy their pizza. The debate on

Can You Freeze Pizza Dough (Steps & Tricks)

Can You Freeze Pizza Dough? (Steps & Tricks)

Nothing beats the taste of home-baked pizza covered in cheese and a layer of your favorite toppings. Unfortunately, making new dough every time you crave pizza can be a little hassle because of all the time and work that goes into it. And perhaps this may leave you wondering, can you freeze pizza dough? Short

31 Things to Make with Pizza Dough

31 Things to Make with Pizza Dough

Pizza is one of life’s greatest pleasures. Even healthy eaters try to sneak it past their trainers with gluten-free, non-dairy, veggie versions. And while wars have been fought over thin vs thick vs square vs round crust, there are plenty more things to make with pizza dough. So whether you knead your pastry from scratch

When Can I Eat Pizza After Wisdom Teeth Removal

When Can I Eat Pizza After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Did you recently undergo a wisdom tooth or teeth extraction? Have you considered what and when to eat? Are you a pizza freak who can’t wait to munch on one after waiting for several days? Well, this post is to inform you on when you can eat pizza after your wisdom teeth removal. Wisdom teeth

Italian Pizza vs. American Pizza What's the Difference

Italian Pizza vs. American Pizza: What’s the Difference?

Since the beginning of time, there has always been a need for comparison, from people to music, dress, and even food, the need for differentiation has always happened. Questions like which is better? Which came before the other? Pizza wars can be dated as far back as the history of pizza existence, and the two

Can You Eat Pizza When Pregnant

Can You Eat Pizza When Pregnant? (Tips for Consuming)

We all don’t care about our eating pattern, taking in all manner of foods from greens to junk as far as it tastes nice or was recommended by medical practitioners. But all these impulsive eating habits stop immediately when we see those two lines on the stick. Being pregnant is a delicate situation that requires

Can Dogs Eat Pizza

Can Dogs Eat Pizza? Which Ingredient Will Hurt Your Dog?

If you are a pet parent who enjoys pizza and won’t mind sharing a slice with your canine friend, you may first ask yourself, can dogs eat pizza? After all, dogs love to eat anything that humans eat. But is pizza safe for your dog? The answer is a resounding No. While a slice of

Domino's Brooklyn Style vs. Hand Tossed: What's the Difference?

Domino’s Brooklyn Style vs. Hand Tossed: What’s the Difference?

If you’re wondering the difference between Domino’s hand-tossed pizza and the Brooklyn-inspired option, you’re in the right place. In a nutshell, both are handmade, and their doughs are first kneaded and then stretched or tossed before they are baked. Neither pizza option are baked in a deep-dish pan, but they’re placed in thinner aluminum pans