What is a White Pizza?

When you talk about pizza in general, you speak about dough, cheese, and the red tomato. But have you heard of white pizza before? If you have heard of such, do you know what a white Pizza is? This article will give you all the information you need to know about white pizza.

What is a White Pizza 1

When white pizza comes into conversation amongst pizza lovers, there is little to no reaction as people rarely order it. Some believe white pizza is similar to vegan pizza. But the compared vegan pizza is entirely different.

White pizza is a type of Italian pizza made with no tomatoes. This is why it is white with just little contrasting colors of the toppings. Sometimes small slices of tomatoes are added.

History of White Pizza

History of White Pizza

When we talk of the origin of pizza, we speak of Naples. Antica Pizzeria Port’Alba, the first-ever built Pizzeria, was opened in 1738. They served a unique pizza style made with lard, sheep cheese, pepper, and basil. And they called it Mastunicola.

It is the foundation of white pizza because Margherita springs after the 1800s. And Mastunicola became the locals’ favorite.

Giordano’s Pizzeria has more stories to tell about the white pizza.

What Does White Pizza Have?

But Pizza is about the Margarita sauce; what does white Pizza have

White pizza makes no use of red sauce but uses other ingredients. Sometimes, they use white sauce like béchamel.

The pizza forms from regular pizza dough, which can have a thick or thin crust, depending on the Pizzeria. Usually, it has a thin layer of ricotta cheese, scattered quality Mozzarella, seasoned with a drizzle of olive oil, garlic, and sometimes parmesan cheese. BBC Good Food shows how to make the perfect béchamel white sauce for your meals.

To others, white pizza can be a thin crust with Mozzarella, sliced sweet onion, and sliced black olives. And sometimes, with a layer of garlic, pepper, and oil. Others may serve it as a pizza dough crust with Alfredo sauce or ranch dressing with some provolone cheese.

The servings of white pizza are different, which is also; similar to the different types of red Pizzas. This YouTube video shows you how to make the perfect white pizza sauce when home.

White Pizza VS. Normal Pizza; Which Is Better?

It is always a debate amongst food lovers on the difference between white pizza and regular pizza. And there are several differences, which include;

  • The lack of tomatoes or tomato sauce: Tomato sauce is the shining star in pizza making. It is the foundation for all other pizza toppings to rely on, but this is what white pizza lack. Rather than tomato paste, they use white alternatives like béchamel. Which most opinion, would not pass as a similar tomato sauce in taste.
  • Gummy and gooey nature: The white pizza tends to become gooey and sticky quicker than the typical pizza. Some say this is because of the heavy white Alfredo sauce. Others believe it is due to the lack of tomatoes.
  • The Toppings: White pizza attracts the weirdest topping combinations. Some of it includes chicken and many more vegetables, all in a bid to keep the color coordination equal. It is not usually seen in the average regular pizza as few toppings come in. And even if there is a combination of more toppings, the toppings belong to the law of pizza toppings.
  • Garlic: When you talk about the staple ingredients in white pizza, garlic comes first. It is a primary ingredient in the sauce. It is known to have the highest concentration value in white pizza, unlike the usual pizza with Margherita sauce.
  • Cheese: The white pizza uses more cheese than the standard red pizza. Hence, the former contains more calories. They use a single type of cheese or a combination. Their cheese is often high quality because it can alter the taste of the pizza.

Which Pizza Type Is Best For Slimming Down?

Which Pizza type is Best for slimming down

Ironically, the red pizza type is best for slimming down. It is because white pizza contains a lot of oil in the form of olives and black olives. And they ensure the oil is of very high quality.

Regular pizza contains regular calories, which are usually in the form of cheese and sauce. For slimming down, go ahead with your traditional p-pizza in moderation. It is similar to thin and thick crust pizzas, with thin crust disguising as the low calories crust.

Which Pizza Type Is Perfect For People With Acid Reflux?

Which Pizza type is perfect for people with acid reflux

The white pizza is perfect for people with acid reflux. It is not because it is far better than the typical pizza but because of its sauce combination.

Tomatoes are the primary cause of acid reflux or heartburn. And many people often complain about eating pizza and getting heartburn attacks almost immediately.

The white sauce in white pizza is perfect for people with heartburn due to the lack of tomatoes. You can order your usual pizza and exchange the tomato sauce for white sauce or just get used to white pizza.

Which Pizza Tastes Better?

Which Pizza tastes Better

There have always been many arguments on the internet about which pizza tastes better than the other. To say a pizza tastes better, what conditions give it an upper hand over the other?

Others say there is no pizza without tomato sauce. But the existence of white pizza debunks this fact. White pizza is often at the losing end due to its lack of popularity.

The average commercial food chain rarely serves white pizza. And if they do, it is a far cry from the original Italian pizza. It is why only old Italian Pizzeria serve white pizza because the recipe is always hard to copy.

But, according to surveys and questionnaires, red or regular are preferred to white pizzas. If they had a well-made white pizza, their choice would make a U-turn.

Which Pizza Is Harder To Make?

Which Pizza is harder to make

Judging by the orders that reel out of the most popular food chain, you will realize it’s white pizza. It is because there is no Margherita sauce to cover up their mistakes in cooking and serving.

White pizza comes out the way you make it, and most commercial food chains deal with quantity and not quality. Who has time to perfect that one white pizza order when you can make ten usual pizzas?

Which Pizza Contains More Flavors?

The absence of tomato sauce in the white pizza makes it the clear winner when it comes to taste. It relies on quality produce. Plus, the rigorous preparation and cooking methods to produce a white pizza.

Any spoilage in any of the ingredients will be noticeable in the taste. It is why you feel more flavors when eating white pizza. The veggies, the toppings, the sauce, and the cheese are in harmony with the olives.

Red Pizza relies heavily on the quality of the tomato sauce more than other pizza parts. Why so? Because most people eat pizza based on the quality of the sauce served to them.

Tomatoes have a tendency to overpower other flavors and not allow them to fully come through. Equally, usual pizzas are often more of tomatoes, cheese, and dough than subtle flavoring. This YouTube video by Adam Ragusea will show you how to make a tasty homemade white pizza.

Is White Pizza Vegetarians Pizza?

White pizza differs from vegetarian pizza because it includes animal products like cheese. Vegetarians are known to avoid animal-based produce.

There are other alternatives for vegetarians, where animal-based ingredients are replaced with plant-based options. Ironically, most vegetable pizzas are not made for vegetarians because of the animal-based products in their preparation.

Which Pizza Has More Cheese?

Which Pizza has more cheese

If you are in for cheese, go for the white pizza because it has more cheese than the red. Although, it would not be fair to compare this style to other varieties of red pizza with a similar amount of cheese.

White pizza is also perfect for people who love garlic. If you are a garlic lover, white pizza sauce is the best garlic-stuffed sauce. If you are a fan of weird dressing and toppings, white pizza accommodates you because you can put any weird dressing on a white pizza.

If you love olives, it’s time to start eating white pizza because they sometimes contain olive oil and black olives. Check out this cheesy white pizza sauce for the love of cheese here.

Is White Pizza For Catholics?

There are rumors that the white pizza is for Catholics observing white fasting. It is not so because anybody can enjoy white pizza. And it is not subjected to a particular event or doctrine.

How To Make White Pizza Sauce At Home?

If you’re open to trying pizza Bianca, here’s a sauce recipe you can recreate at home. It is simple to make and won’t need fancy tools to finish. But before we start, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter
  • 2 tablespoons of flour
  • ¼ cups of milk
  • 2 pressed garlic cloves
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ⅛ tsp black pepper
  • ¼ cup parmesan cheese

Melt two tablespoons of unsalted butter in a saucepan under medium heat. Add two tablespoons of flour and whisk it for about a minute or two. Slowly pour the milk into the pan and continue stirring until it is smooth and thickened. At this point, you should also expect bubbles to form.

Next, add the pressed garlic cloves, salt, and black pepper. Let the flavors infuse for a while while mixing. Then, add ¼ cup of parmesan cheese and whisk for another 30 seconds. Once the timer comes off, remove the pan from the heat and continue stirring until the cheese completely melts.

Let the white sauce cool down before transferring it into a small jar. You can refrigerate this for 2 hours before use or leave it as a stock for 5 to 7 days.

This whole recipe is enough to cover a 12-inch pizza crust. If you plan to prepare for numerous guests, double the ingredients and adjust the seasoning accordingly.

Bottom Line

White Pizza is almost as tasty as the standard red pizza. Try pizza without the regular tomato sauce and find other beautiful flavors like garlic, olives, white sauce, and Alfredo dressings.

There is no need to compare these two pizza types because two kinds can coexist. It will just boil down to your preference and what you’re craving.

Who knows, maybe white pizza can soothe those tiring days, while red pizza works for those hyped-up nights.

What is a White Pizza 2

1 thought on “What is a White Pizza?”

  1. Good article other than saying vegetarians don’t eat animal-based products. They do – they just don’t eat meat. Vegans are the ones who don’t eat any animal-based products. This includes honey.


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